朝鲜蓟提取物 洋蓟酸 绿原酸 陕西龙孚

产品编号:9046940 修改时间:2016-05-13 15:50 访问统计:13次
所属公司: 陕西龙孚生物化工有限责任公司 更多产品
公司主营: 刺蒺藜提取物,乳香提取物,朝鲜蓟提取物,...
联系人: 郝蕾
联系电话: 15829846459
价格: 面议
产地: 西安植物提取物
发货地址: 科技路八号凯丽大厦西座402
朝鲜蓟提取物 洋蓟酸 绿原酸 陕西龙孚的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT

朝鲜蓟提取物 洋蓟酸 绿原酸 陕西龙孚 郝蕾 15829846459
【植物来源】菜蓟属植物朝鲜蓟,拉丁学名 Cynara scolymus L
【主要规格】2.5% 、5%、10:1
【分子式及分子量】:C25H24O12 516.46 C19H22O6 346.38

主营产品包括白芸豆提取物, 水杨甙, 朝鲜蓟, 颠茄流浸膏, 乳香酸, 厚朴酚,龙胆草, 刺蒺藜提取物, 可可碱, 问荆提取物, 生姜提取物, 黑升麻, 丹参酮,苦参总碱,柚皮甙,花青素,大豆异黄酮,玛珂提取物,墨角藻提取物、芍药甙,红景天,蔓越橘,淫羊藿等提取物。

Product Name: Artichoke Leaf Plant Extract
Plant Origin: Cynara scolymus
Specification: 2.5%,5% ,15% (Cynarin, Chlorogenicacid)
CAS NO.:30964-13-7
Formula: C25H24O12
Extract Ratio: 5:1
1. Artichoke is used to increase bile production in the liver, increase the flow of bile from the gallbladder, and to increases the contractive power of the bile duct. These bile actions are beneficial in many digestive, gallbladder, and liver disorders.
2. Artichoke is also used to mobilize fatty stores in the liver and detoxify it, and as a natural aid to lower cholesterol.
Our main products include White Kidney Bean Plant Extract、White Willow Bark Extract、Artichoke Extract、Atropa Belladonna liquid extract、Boswelia Serrata Plant Extract、Magnoliae Officinalis Plant Extract、Gentian extract 、Tribulus Terrestris Plant Extract、Green tea Plant Extract、Ginger Plant Extract、DanShen Extract、Black Cohosh Plant Extract、Cocoa Extract、Naringin、Soybean Plant Extract、White Peony Root、Cranberry Extract、Epimedium Plant Extract、Wolfberry Plant Extract、Horsetail Plant Extract and so on.

免责声明:"朝鲜蓟提取物 洋蓟酸 绿原酸 陕西龙孚"由陕西龙孚生物化工有限责任公司自行提供,真实合法性由发布企业负责,环球贸易网对此不承担任何保证责任。
