
产品编号:27611252 修改时间:2017-02-10 08:41 发布IP: 访问统计:17次
所属公司: 上海凯贤印刷科技有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 油墨玻璃,陶瓷油墨,PP免处理油墨,自干金...
联系人: 黄迷
联系电话: 02159507952
品牌: 欧莱斯
干燥时间: 表干5-10分钟
油墨性能: 具有光泽优、附着力佳、耐冲击、耐汽油、酒精、耐折叠等特点。添
使用材料: 金属,玻璃,陶瓷,电镀
价格: ¥160.00元/KG
起订: 1 KG
供货总量: 1000000 KG
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
产地: 上海塑料油墨
发货地址: 上海市嘉定区外冈镇沪宜公路6102号
自干TPE油墨的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT
1、 稀释剂:TPE专用稀释剂。
2、 消泡剂及流平剂:TPE专用消泡剂及流平剂。
3、 硬化剂:无。
4、 油墨调配方法:使用前将油墨搅拌均匀。酌情添加10-30%的稀释剂,再搅拌均匀使用。
5、 包装干燥条件:不低于8小时。
6、 添加硬化剂后的使用时限:无。
7、 油墨重金属含量标准:符合EN71-3标准。
8、 易燃品等级:为二级易燃液体。
油墨使用注意事项1、 试印确认符合要求后再批量生产。
2、 做好被印物的表面清除油脂及杂质工作,以促进附着效果。
3、 需要套色时,应在前颜色表干或硬干后再进行套色工作。
4、 作业完毕后剩余油墨紧闭容器封口。
5、 附着力、硬度、耐酸性、耐油性、耐去渍油性、抗划伤性、耐磨性等性能的检测,需要墨层完全固化后方可检测。
6、 未经允许情况下,不得将本系列油墨与其它类型油墨混用及配色。
7、 当印刷品质出现不良状况时,请向本司技术部咨询,切勿自行处理。
8、 使用方法不当恕不赔偿。
Ink using technology reference range: all kinds of TPE, TPR, EVA, vinyl elastomer, rubber, etc..
1, diluent: TPE special thinner.
2, anti foaming agent and leveling agent: TPE special agent for foaming agent and leveling agent.
3, hardening agent: No.
4, ink deployment method: before the use of ink mixing evenly. As appropriate, add the 10-30% diluent, and then stir evenly.
5, packing dry condition: no less than 8 hours.
6, the use of the time after the addition of hardening agent: No.
7, ink heavy metal content standard: accord with EN71-3 standard.
8, flammable grade: for the two grade flammable liquid.
Solvent toxicity: low toxicity.
Ink usage note 1, the test and print confirmation to meet the requirements of mass production.
2, to do a good job of the surface of the printed matter to remove oil and impurities work, to promote the attachment effect.
3, need to register, should be before the color table dry or hard after the registration work.
4, after the operation of the remaining ink closed container sealing.
5, adhesion, hardness, acid resistance, oil resistance, resistance to oil, anti scratch, wear resistance and other properties of the test, the need to completely curing the ink layer can be detected.
6, without permission, may not use the series of ink and other tyPES of ink mixing and matching.
7, when the printing quality is bad, please consult with the technical department, do not deal with it.
8, the use of improper method without compensation.
Ink performance test results
Test items detection standard test results viscosity viscometer Thomas 5000-8000CPSOK fineness fineness 10um NaBH OK drying conditions natural dry for 24 hours OK adhesion (grid) blunt instrument detection and anti impact properties of 1 x 10 x 10mm square 5BOK pencil hardness of the drawing with a pencil 2BOK ---- buckling (180 degrees) bending test

