亿汇18目制药不锈钢筛网 20目颗粒机不锈钢药筛

所属公司: 安徽亿汇筛网有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 筛网、滤网、网布、纱网、纱门、挡风被
联系人: 闫彬彬
联系电话: 0558-8817538
发货地址: 安徽省亳州市利辛县城关镇建设路北、春店路东
品牌: 亿汇筛网
价格: ¥36.00元/米
起订: 30 米
供货总量: 65555 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
产地: 安徽 亳州
修改日期: 2017-05-18 09:36
浏览次数: 22
本公司生产各种药筛,规格有尼龙药筛和锦纶药筛,目数有8目到40目,宽度有40.5cm,41.5cm,42.5cm,44.5cm和1米。药筛用于各大药厂摇摆式颗粒机,将潮湿的粉末状物料制成颗粒,亦可粉碎块状的干物料,通过机械传动使滚筒往复摆动,将物料从筛网中挤出制成颗粒或粉碎制粒,适用于制药、化工、食品等行业,同时适于药液的过滤。The company's production of a variety of drug screen, specifications are ethylene drug screening and nylon prescription sieve mesh is 8 to 40 mesh, the width of 40.5cm, 41.5cm, 42.5cm, 44.5cm and 1 meters. Drug screening for each big pharma swing granulator. The wet powder material into granules, can crush block dry material, through mechanical driving the cylinder reciprocating swing, the material from the screen extrusion granulated or crushed granulation, applicable to the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and other industries, and is suitable for liquid filtration.
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