室内也能做彩虹滑道 小型彩虹滑道 儿童也能玩的大型滑梯

产品编号:37565657 修改时间:2019-07-15 14:08 发布IP: 访问统计:1次
所属公司: 山东城基工程机械有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 游乐设备,路面机械,工程机械配件
联系人: 赵经理
联系电话: 15624090988
品牌: 山东金耀
材质: HDPE
资质: CE
适用年龄: 不限
价格: ¥168.00元/平方米
起订: 1 平方米
供货总量: 9999 平方米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
产地: 济宁游艺设施
发货地址: 山东省济宁市任城区
室内也能做彩虹滑道 小型彩虹滑道 儿童也能玩的大型滑梯的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT
Shandong Jinyao provides all kinds of rainbow track solutions and powerless ski circle track solutions, including ski circle track, ski track, flybag slide, winding slide, wave swing slide, wave slide, curve slide and other dry snow projects to provide one-stop solutions for customers.
Rainbow slideway presents a colorful effect, in the process of snow circle movement, full of dynamic.
Rainbow slideways are usually built on the basis of mountains, which can easily attract visitors'vision when viewed from a distance like several rainbows pouring down. This is the great attraction of rainbows. All kinds of factors, such as speed control, degree control and safety control, have been well balanced in the design of the project. It can be said that as long as there is a little grip, even children can participate in the play, so it is suitable for all ages and strong participation.
Tourist scenic spot is a comprehensive industry. Its drought and snow project design needs to take into account the site environment, return on investment, operation mode and other aspects. In the project design, it needs to integrate the characteristics of passenger groups, unit price and project participation attributes. Of course, it is relatively simple to use only single product, but if we want to carry out comprehensive design, it is necessary. All aspects should be considered clearly. In addition to considering materials, it is more important to do a good job of planning and design, and design a suitable project plan for their own scenic spots.






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