
所属公司: 上海泉轩机电科技有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 从事机电科技专业领域内技术开发、技术转...
联系人: 刘伟
联系电话: 17701815056
发货地址: 秀沁路238弄7号
品牌: SIEMENS西门子
名称: 燃烧器控制器
型号: LGB21.330A27
产地: 德国
价格: ¥1000.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 59 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
产地: 直辖市 上海
修改日期: 2022-08-22 20:12
浏览次数: 1
The LGB... burner controls are used for the startup and supervision of single- or 2-stage gas or gas / oil burners in intermittent operation. Depending on the type of burner control used, the flame is supervised either by an ionization probe, a blue-flame detector QRC1... for forced draft gas / oil burners, or a UV detector QRA... (with auxiliary unit AGQ1...A27).
In connection with the respective adapters, the LGB... burner controls replace their predecessor types LFI7... and LFM1... (also refer to ?Replacement types under Ordering).
Automatic forced draft burners for gaseous fuels to EN 676
Gas burner controls to EN 298
Undervoltage detection
Air pressure supervision with functional check of the air pressure monitor during startup and operation
Electrical remote reset facility
LGB41... for use with atmospheric gas burners
型号 认证 tw/s t1/s TSA/s t3n/s t3/s t4/s t9/s t10/s t11/s t12/s t20/s
LGB21.130A27 CH,EU,S,SF 8 7 3 2.4 2 8 - 5 - - 6
LGB21.230A27 CH,EU,S,SF 8 15 3 2.4 2 8 - 5 - - 38
LGB21.330A27 CH,EU,H,S,SF 8 30 3 2.4 2 8 - 5 - - 23
LGB21.350A27 CH,EU,H,S,SF 8 30 5 4 2 10 - 5 - - 2
LGB21.550A27 AUS,DH,EU 8 50 5 4 2 10 - 5 - - 2
LGB22.130A27 CH,EU,N,S 9 7 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 12 12 21
LGB22.230B27 CH,EU,N,S,SF 9 20 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 16.5 16.5 2
LGB22.330A27 AUS,CH,EU,H,N,S,SF 9 30 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 12 11 2
LGB22.330A270 EU 9 30 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 12 11 2
LGB32.130A27 CH,EU 9 7 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 12 12 21
LGB32.230A27 CH,EU 9 20 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 16.5 16.5 2
LGB32.330A27 CH,EU 9 30 3 2.4 3 8 - 3 12 11 2
LGB32.350A27 CH,EU 9 30 5 4.4 1 10 - 3 12 9 2
LGB41.255A27 EU 18 - 5 4 2 10 5 - - - 10
LGB41.258A27 CH,EU,H,SF 18 - 5 4 2 10 9 - - - 10
tw 等待时间
t1 预吹扫时间
TSA 点火安全时间
t3 预点火时间
t3n 后点火时间
t4 电磁阀1到电磁阀2的间隔时间,或电磁阀1到比例控制开始的间隔时间
t9 第二安全时间(仅LGB41...)
t10 空气压力信号建立时间
t11 伺服马达程序打开时间
t12 伺服马达程序关闭时间
t20 自锁定后的程序内部循环时间
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