
所属公司: 全风环保科技股份有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 工业集尘机 工业吸尘器 高压风机 高压旋...
联系人: 李跃辉
联系电话: 18918068976
发货地址: 南京市高淳区经济开发区凤山路5-8号
品牌: TWYX
价格: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
产地: 江苏 南京
修改日期: 2024-04-24 14:34
浏览次数: 3
MC Series Pulse Dust Collect is a new type of patent product produced by our company. It has the advantages of simple structure, convenient repair maintenance, flexible operation, stable reliable operation. It is an ideal environmental protection equipment with high cost perfmance atmospheric appearance. Adhering to the principles of safety, economy application, taking into account the beauty of the fine design, we should advanced mature technology, stable reliable system, convenient management, no secondary pollution treatment technology; ing equipment, instruments other types in accdance with the principles of reliability, economy application.

High power industrial vacuum cleaner
Design standard for filter cartridge filters JB/T10341-2002
Grading of paint quality on the surface of dust collector GB/T53134-1994
Air cleaner GB/T18801-2002
Ambient air quality standard GB/3095-1996
Comprehensive emission standards for air pollutants GB16297-1996
Hygienic standard for design of industrial enterprises TJ36—79
Electrical equipment for combustible dust environment GB12476.1-2000
Dust explosion safety regulations GB15577-2007
High power industrial vacuum cleaner
Adhere to the principles of safety, economy, application and aesthetic design.
选择工艺优良成熟、系统稳定安全可靠、管理方便、无二次污染的 治理技术;
Select the treatment technology with excellent mature technology, stable and reliable system, convenient management and no secondary pollution.
The selection of equipment and meters is based on the principle of reliability, economy and applicability.
外观设计专利(ZL 2017 3 0518264.0)、实用新型专利(ZL 2017 2 1830689.6)、发明 专利证书(CN108079679A);
Appearance design patent (ZL 2017 3 05 I 8 264.0). utility model patent (ZL 2017 22 I 830689.6), invention patent certificate (CNI08079679A):
•动力采用,透浦式鼓风机,铝合金机身、吸力大噪音 低无振动。
• Power use, transparent blower, aluminum body, suction noise low vibration.
•脉冲反吹清灰系统,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹 法多角度喷吹,清灰更彻底。
• In the pulsed back blowing system, the filter core can be reused through cleaning and repeated use.
•过滤采用进口PTFE覆膜聚酯滤料,过滤效率达99% , 表面光滑,易于反吹,配快速法兰接头,更换快捷。
• The filter is made of imported PTFE coated polyester filter material, which has a filtration efficiency of 99%.
• Intelligent control, can be set according to the use of automatic reverse blowing.
• Lack of phase protection, super remote control, high power load.
High power industrial vacuum cleaner

High power industrial vacuum cleaner
1、 使用时本机温度可能高达60度以上,因此请勿用手触摸机体侧部发热部分,以免意外伤害;同时在易起火 环境中使用时,起火零界温度<80度的环境请勿使用。
2、 本系列机器是普通脉冲除尘器,不可用于易燃、易爆、含强腐蚀性的环境中使用,使用方将此类型产品用 于以上描述场合,从而导致的意外伤害事故,本公司一律不承担任何责任。以上环境需要定做防腐防爆型不锈钢集 尘器。
3、 出于安全考虑,请每次使用前确保安全接地,以及检查滤袋滤芯及其它物件是否有损坏等。
4、 吸取介质为导电性纤维或其它较细颗粒,须提前告知生产方,生产方会提供特殊型号,由于未提供物料类 型导致电机损坏不包含在保修范围之内。
1.When using this machine, the temperature may be as high as 60 degrees, so do not touch the side heating part of the machine to avoid accidental injury. At the same time, when using in fire-prone environment, the zero-temperature of the fire below 80 degrees, do not use.
2.This series of machines are ordinary impulse dust collectors. They can not be used in inflammable, explosive and corrosive environments. We will not bear any responsibility for accidental injuries caused by these products when they are used in the situations described above. The above environment needs custom made stainless steel dust collector for corrosion protection and explosion protection.
3.For safety reasons, please ensure a safe grounding before each use, as well as check whether the filter bag and other objects are damaged.
4.If the absorbing medium is conductive fiber or other fine particles, the manufacturer should inform the manufacturer in advance. The manufacturer will provide a special model. The motor damage caused by the type of material not provided is not included in the warranty.
Performance characteristics
In the process of power connection, as far as possible in accordance with the overcurrent protector and leakage protection switch, to prevent leakage lead to safety accidents
Performance characteristics
1.the machine should have professional management personnel, responsible for the daily maintenance of the machine.
2.Don't use it for a long time. Clean the filter bag and store it after the filter, and turn off the power supply to prevent the body from sliding.
during the use of the filter bags should be checked regularly, and as far as possible to maintain each class of dust removal
High power industrial vacuum cleaner
1、 产品在运输过程中,不可倒置、雨淋、碰撞及击打。
2、 到货后请按装箱单进行清查,若有遗失请及时向我方反映。
3、 本机经过简单安装后即可使用,将吸尘管套入吸口,另一端连接不锈钢直管,管口插入吸头,用随机配备 的铁箍将其扣紧。
4、 使用前请先检查各部位螺钉松紧、滤袋滤芯是否完好,电器元件是否正常,然后才可开机。
5、 配用滤尘袋的吸尘器,不可吸取易潮解,颗粒太细的介质物,否则容易堵死滤眼,使吸力变小,影响吸尘 效果并可能损坏滤袋。
6、 吸管在有静电的环境中使用时,可将靠近吸口一端的内嵌钢丝拉出一点,使其直接与吸口相连,直接导走 可能产生的静电。
7、 使用过程中若岀现吸力变小,请将滤清器拆下用压缩空气进行反吹,对滤袋进行清洗。在安装滤袋的时 候,一定要扎紧下边的袋口,否则介质物可能被吸入电机或损坏滤清器。
8、 电器内安装有过载保护装置,出现过载停机后,请先关掉电源,查明过载原因后再开机使用。
9、 吸收的颗粒介质粒度在0,1mm以下时,请经常对滤袋及滤清器进行清洁清理。
10、 本机可长时间连续工作,但为延长使用寿命,应尽量缩短连续工作时间。
1.Products must not be reversed, rain, impact or strike during transportation.
2.Please check the packing list according to the packing list. If there is any loss, please let us know in time.
3.The machine can be used after simple installation. The vacuum tube is sleeved into the suction port, and the other end is connected with the stainless steel straight pipe. The suction head is inserted into the pipe mouth and fastened with random iron hoop.
4.Before using, please check the screw tightness, filter bag filter cartridge is intact, electrical components are normal, and then start.
5.The vacuum cleaner equipped with filter bag should not absorb the medium which is easy to deliquescence and the particle is too fine. Otherwise, it is easy to plug the filter hole, make the suction smaller, affect the effect of dust absorption and possibly damage the filter bag.
6.When the straw is used in an electrostatic environment, it can pull out a point of embedded steel wire near the end of the suction port, so that it is directly connected with the suction port and directly leads away the electrostatic potential.
7.If the suction decreases during use. remove the filter and blow it back with compressed air to clean the filter bag. When installing the filter bag, be sure to tighten the lower pocket, or the media may be sucked into the motor or damage the filter.
8.Install overload protection device in the electrical appliance. After overload and shutdown, please turn off the power supply first, find out the overload reason and then start the machine.
9.When the particle size of the absorbed medium is less than 0.1 mm, please clean the filter bag and filter frequently.
10.This machine can work continuously for a longtime, but in order to prolong the service life, it should shorten the continuous working time as far as possible.

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