
所属公司: 昆山精纳检测技术有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 第三方检测,产品尺寸测量、3D扫描,检具...
联系人: 孙慧
联系电话: 0512-86166826
发货地址: 苏州昆山市高新区宝益路89号
品牌: CNAS认证认可实验室
第三方检测: 三坐标代客检测
三坐标: 上海三座标对外检测
全尺寸检测: 三坐标全尺寸检测
价格: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
产地: 江苏 苏州
修改日期: 2021-07-13 11:50
浏览次数: 1
 精纳检测是独立*三方实验室 。公司成立于20117月,总部位于江苏昆山,是中国合格评定*认可委员会(CNAS)认可的独立机构。于全尺寸检测、检具检测调试、3D扫描、 正逆向工程、理化、可靠性、力学、材料、金相无损检测等服务。标准的实验室环境,**的工作态度,的工程师队伍。为产品研发,质量管控,科学教研,*三方验证,数据分析等提供一站式检测服务。
Jingna Testing is an independent third-party laboratory. The company was established in July 2011. Its headquarter is located in Kunshan, Jiangsu. It is an independent organization accredited by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). The company is committed to full-scale inspection, inspection and debugging of gages, 3D scanning, forward and reverse engineering, physical and chemical, reliability, mechanics, materials, metallographic non-destructive testing and other services. The company has a standard laboratory environment, professional working attitude, and first-class team of engineers. It can provide one-stop testing services for product development, quality control, scientific teaching and research, third-party verification, data analysis, etc.
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