
产品编号:28414798 修改时间:2022-03-31 14:09 发布IP: 访问统计:1次
所属公司: 衡水康晟新材料科技有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 双组份聚硫密封胶(膏),聚氨酯密封膏、...
联系人: 朱燕
联系电话: 18603188556
品牌: 康晟
价格: ¥4.50元/米
起订: 25 米
供货总量: 980000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
产地: 衡水工业用橡胶制品
发货地址: 河北省衡水市彭杜乡北田村
遇水膨胀止水条bw膨胀率200缓膨型橡胶止水条的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT
BW putty type water stop bar
The BW water stop strip is made of more than ten kinds of materials, such as special rubber, inorganic water ABSorbing material and high viscosity resin, and so on. It is a kind of cross section which has been developed on the basis of foreign products. Depending on its own viscous direct paste preset in the concrete construction joints, post-pouring joints interface, after the second pouring of concrete (that is, the state of being wrapped by concrete). The product will expand gradually after the water meets the water, on the one hand plugging the possible capillary pores, on the other hand, the contact of the concrete interface is more close, thus producing large water resistance pressure and forming a water permeable plastic colloid. The product has high expansion ratio, strong mobile supplement, placed in construction seam, after pouring seams. It has strong balance and self healing function, and can

problem of concrete construction joints and post pouring seams, and filled a blank of China's waterproof material. The quality of the product has reached the leading level in the world. After the transfer of the technical results to our company, we have developed BW- I, BW- II, BW- III (slow expansion), BW- IV type (slow expansion) water stop for several years through more rigorous theoretical analysis, scientific experiments and extensive consultation with the users. We have formed a better self-adhesive to meet the needs of different engineering conditions. Water swelling stops with water.
项  目 膨胀率 剥离强度 剪切强度 耐水压 耐高温 耐低温 比重
性能指标 静水浸泡24h100%
大300-500% 0.01MPa 0.06MPa 1.2MPa 150℃不流淌 -30℃不发脆 1.5
   1、 浸水膨胀,“以水止水”;
   2、 膨胀速度慢,浸水186h其膨胀率≤大膨胀率的50%;
   3、 施工方便,价格低廉
   4、 无毒无污染
   5、 在长时浸水作用下无溶解物析出;
   6、 与其他亲水膨胀止水带相比大的分别是它的亲水膨胀性经长期的反复膨胀后仍没有失去。 

block new small crevice caused by settlement. For completed projects, such as crevice leakage, the water stop bar can be used to block the leak, the use of the water stop bar is low, the construction technology is simple, and the corrosion resistance is the best. In June 1988, the product was identified by the ministerial level in Beijing and won the 1991 national scientific and Technological Achievement Award. It opened a new way to solve the leakage 

