
产品编号:28150204 修改时间:2017-07-29 16:48 发布IP: 访问统计:1次
所属公司: 佛山市建威装饰材料有限公司 更多产品
公司主营: 装饰材料、建筑材料、铝制品、国内贸易
联系人: 罗小姐
联系电话: 0757-82813155
品牌: 宇诚
产地: 广东佛山
型号: LFS
规格: 可定制
价格: ¥12.00元/片
起订: 150 片
供货总量: 10000 片
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
产地: 佛山隔断与吊顶
发货地址: 佛山市南海区狮山镇小塘工业区
建威厂家让你秒懂铝格栅怎么让房子与从不同。的详细介绍 相关文档: PDF DOC TXT
With the development of the time, people have higher and higher requirement of home decoration,aluminum grill ceiling on the reasonable price and aluminum grille as heterogeneous in the decorative material that has it become more and more popular . Aluminum grille ceiling now is widely used in shopping malls, entertainment center, waiting room, airport, subway and other places.Because aluminum grille ceiling makes your houes from different to the other houses. Now the aluminum grille ceiling manufacturer tell you how the aluminum grille makes your house different.
The ceiling of aluminum grille is made up of the open decorative ceiling of the grille main bone strip and the subbone strip. The ceiling of the grille is good for the wind, its fireproof performance is strong, the installation is simple, the structure is exquisite, the level is rich. And it has the open stereo effect, the appearance is beautiful, the color is gorgeous. The aluminum grille structure can segment the sound cutting to slow the echo resonance effect that is especially suitable for the large and noisy large space and is an excellent ABSorbing material. Aluminum grille is not only convenient for air flow, exhaust, heat dissipation, but also can make the light distribution even and the whole space capacious and bright.
Foshan Jian Wei aluminum grille factory is specialized in the production and sale aluminum grille ceiling, if you want to know more about the aluminum grille production, please click on the website: http://www.fsjwlth.com.Or consult our business manager, Miss Luo, on her phone / WeChat: 13924844954

